
The Canadian Sport Centre offers a number of programs that go beyond providing world-leading athlete and coach services. Several of our programs provide benefits to the public, educational and corporate sectors.

Youth Education through Sport (YES) Program

This program helps to develop athletes as community leaders through public speaking. We send out Canada’s best athletes to speak to Grade 4-6 students in schools throughout the province about their involvement in sport, and the positive impact it has had on their lives. The informal and interactive presentations highlight the values of sport, thereby fostering the qualities of fair play, dedication, commitment, health and self-esteem. The Y.E.S. Program provides athlete speakers as role models of these qualities. Students are truly inspired by these exceptional athletes. More information.

The Business of Performance

The Business of Performance is intended for organizations dedicated to moving their people and their business towards elite performance. There are many obvious similarities between sport and business: strategic planning, well-defined goals, teamwork, effective leadership and trust. The Business of Performance takes the sport-business parallel to a whole new level. It communicates proven methodologies that are drawn from sport and applied to business through tailored workshops, seminars and continuing programs with organizations. More information.

Fuel for Gold

Designed to provide Canada’s best athletes training in Calgary with the premium nutrition they need to be successful in their sport, Fuel for Gold offers nutritious lunch meals for optimal exercise recovery at a time of day when athletes’ bodies are most receptive to restoring energy and repairing muscle tissue after a hard morning of training. The weekly menu has been created by the CSCC dietitians, strength trainers and Fuel for Gold Chef Aurelio Gualtieri. Fuel for Gold is also available to students, staff and faculty daily between 11:30-1:00 pm at the University of Calgary Dining Centre. More information.

Golf with an Olympian

Now in its 9th year, the CSCC is always excited to host our Golf with an Olympian charity tournament. This unique event allows 36 corporate teams to host an Olympian on their team for a round of 18 on one of Calgary’s beautiful courses. All funds raised go directly to providing the over 400 athletes that live and train in Calgary and the Bow Valley Corridor with access to world leading programming and experts in sport medicine, sport science, nutrition, strength and conditioning and sport psychology.