Thanks to our valued partner sport facilities, a multi-facility pass for CSCC registered athletes is available for access to the following:
- Olympic Oval High Performance Weight Room
- Bob Niven Training Centre, COP Weight Room
- Talisman Centre Training Zone Weight Room
- Bill Warren Training Centre Weight Room, Canmore
- Mount Royal College all Recreation Facilities
- Cardel Place all Recreation Facilities
- Canada Olympic Park (discount)
- The City of Calgary Foothills Track & Field
- Yoga Moksha (discount)
- Yoga Mandala (discount)
- Athletic Evolution in Canmore
- University of Alberta Butterdome/Foote Field
- Saville Centre in Edmonton
- Active Life Centre in St. Albert
- Kwantum Wellness
Please visit the Athlete Resource Centre for more information or contact the Athlete Services Coordinator at 403.220.8189 or